Beauty Tips

Skin Fairness Quick Homemade Beauty Tips

Skin is the covering of all the layers of your body, and the thinnest most layers that is why it needs protection from sun rays and other environmental affects that cause different kinds of deadly diseases and allergies that can harm your skin. In order to overcome these issues and for quick fairness of your skin I am going to discuss some very main elements by which you can easily get fair and glowing skin in no time. Quick fairness of skin is demanding because the part of the skin that is visible to the sun gets tan because most of the people work at day time so it gets very important for them to make their skin fair and glow quickly. Things like cucumber, glycerin and rosewater can make your skin glow and fair quickly and without any side effects. Put some pieces of cucumber in the mixer and then add equal quantities of rosewater and glycerin to it and make a paste not to thin nor thick, then apply it to your face before sleeping and wash it in the morning, you will see that your face will start looking fair and glowing within a day.There are many tips and tricks by the help of which you can make your face attractive in the public eye. Here are some very useful homemade remedies and some product mixing methods that can help you in your task.
Follow these simple and easy steps and see the amazing results in no time in achieving fair skin.

1.    Apply lemon on your face because it makes your face glow and it’s a very good bleaching agent that will help you resolve your fairness issues.
2.    By applying potato juice on your skin can make your face white gradually by using this tip.
3.    Before going to a Party you can apply this simple and quick remedy. Take a banana and peal it, take the pulps and mix it properly and apply to your face and see the amazing affect. Keep the paste at least 10 to 15 minutes on your face.
4.    You can apply papaya juice on your face to make it fair and glowing and it also removes dead cells from your skin and repairs your skin in no time.
5.    Apply lemon juice with cucumber juice, it helps you lighten your skin and it is very useful for oily skins.
6.     Get an egg and take the white part and apply it to your face it will help you make your skin soft and smooth.
7.    Grind the orange peel after drying it. Then mix it with milk and apply the paste on your skin, it helps your skin glow and take out the dirt from the pores.
8.    Zinc and lactic acid are very good for the skin; you can get these things from curd. Apply curd on your face and get fair looking skin with in no time.
9.    Use almond oil and olive to improve your skin color and to remove the dirt from within the face pores and use this home remedy to cure dry skins.
10.    Rose water is one of the best tricks to make your skin look gorgeous and make your skin very soft.

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Perfect Eyebrows Tips For Men and Women

Eyebrows are the thick area of hairs around the eyes protecting the eyes from the materials falling off the hairs, sweat and other particles. Eyebrows look very beautiful if set properly and can give you a pleasant and charming look. Eyebrows grow very irregularly and need their setting as the hairs on your head do. The pointed shape of eyebrows along the cheeks is because sweat or moisture will drive along the eyes and will not fall on the face or eyes. Eyebrows also help you to express your feelings like anger, laughter and surprise that mean that eyebrows also help you in communication.
Without eyebrows eyes are like head without hair. Eyebrows play a very important role in the beauty of eyes and their looks. Women these days do different styles with their eyebrows and also color them with different shades and cosmetics. Eyebrows give an appealing look to the eye and make them prominent and bulging. People have different shades of eyebrows according to the hair color but in some cases the hair color is different. How to get beautiful eyebrows? is not a big problem now a days and men and women can get perfect, thick, well shaped and stylish eyebrows by acting upon perfect eyebrows tips.
Women are using cosmetics for eyebrows and are treating their beauty issues, spending money and time in parlors for hours and the results are very poor every time they consult a beautician. Beauticians recommend different cosmetics and medicines related to beauty issues which are very expensive and have side effects that can harm your soft skin and cause different diseases. Eyebrows are very sensitive hairs, if not set properly can fall with infections and other beauty issues.
In this article I will try to define some very basic issues and their solutions and some beauty tips for eyebrows that will help you maintain your face beauty and protect your eyebrows from falling early. We all know that perfectly shaped eyebrows can act as a mini facelift. Here are some beauty tips and tricks that will help you in maintaining your eyebrows easily and will protect them from diseases and infections.
1.    Perfect eyebrows can uplift your face and can totally bring unexpected charm to your face. The way eyebrows grow are healthy, over plucking eyebrows can stop the growth at that specific area. If you have thin eyebrows you can use eyebrow growth products like Latisse.
2.    If necessary pluck away any lose straggly hairs with a pair of tweezers. Always pluck from underneath the brow and pull hairs in the direction they are growing using a swift, sharp movement. Pluck one hair at a time, and remember it is better to pluck too few than too many.
3.    Brush eyebrows in shape using a brow brush. Work upward and outward to give the brow more definition and help open up the whole eye area.
4.    With an eyebrow liner, use light, feathery strokes to fill in any gaps in your eyebrows. Extend the eyebrow very slightly at the outer corner and accentuate the natural arch of the brow.
5.    Brush through again with the brow brush the blend in the eyebrow liner, again working upward and downward.
6.    For softer, more natural look, you can use an eye shadow rather than an eyebrow liner. Apply using a small, pointed brush and then brush through. For ordinary Hepburn-style eyebrows, brush brows upward more vigorously and soften with eye shadow.
7.    The best time to pluck your eyebrows is after a bath or shower when the hairs will come out much more easily.
8.    To keep individual hairs in place, spray a little hairspray on to an old, clean mascara wand and comb gently through the eyebrow.
These eyebrows beauty tips can be used for women, girls, and women above age. I have also covered some very unique information about eyebrow makeup tools and makeup precautions.

In this article I have covered some very basic information about eyebrow makeup tips and the tools that you can use to make your eyebrows perfect looking and bulging. For more tips about eyes and eyebrows please keep on visiting

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